
ICFS Meeting Minutes: 11/8/2015

Israel Cantor Family Society
Nov. 8, 2015

Meeting Called to order 2:40 pm at Ben's Deli

Minutes of previous meeting could not be located.
Quorum-Uncertain as to requirement

Treasurers Report:
Phil Cantor: $8797.67 in checking account
Scott Cantor: $26638.61 in brokerage account-consisting of cash and MMF. He will explore investment options for approximately $20000.00 in cash in order to increase our returns. The available opportunities will be discussed with Ron Jordan.

Hospitaler Report:
Sarah Berman had surgery for an abscess on her heart.

Good News:
Wendy Hoffman passed her series seven test and can now trade stocks/bonds if she chooses.
Barbara Greene has just returned from a successful trip to Ecuador where she worked with
Doctors Without Borders to help over 300 people improve their dental health.
Kenny Wachtel and Denny Gladstone have made a long term loan to the Tenement Museum of their paternal grandmothers spice canister set.

Death notification responsibilities (Telephone Chain):
 Sandy Hornick-Gilmans/Bermans-Plockars
 Denny Gladstone-Wachtel-Scott Cantor (Sonny)
 Phil Cantor-Greens-Scott Cantor (Irwin)-Cantors-??+Phil Cantor (L.A.)-Arthur Epstein

Cemetery Report:
Ron Jordan will check access points at both cemeteries.

Old Business:
Next meeting
Ellis lsland
Holocaust Museum
Jewish Museum
A committee consisting of Scott Cantor, Barbara Greene and Sandy Hornick will decide the next location, date (6/5 or 9/5) and also if an additional business meeting is necessary. Costs and convenience will be taken into consideration. 
In addition to the above two dates an 11/13/16 meeting will be held at Ben's unless another suitable location is found by Mark Hornick

Moment of Silence:
A moment of silence was held in memory of Geoffrey Gladstone (Son of Denny & Marylou and brother of Susan) who recently passed away after a long illness.

Meeting ended at 3:53 pm

In attendance:
Stan & Sheila Gilman, Mitchell & Barbara Greene, Scott Cantor, Ken Wachtel, Ron Jordan, Phil Cantor, Dan Cantor and Mark, Aaron, Linda & Sandy and Florence Hornick