
ICFS Meeting Minutes: 11/18/2018

ICFS Fall Meeting
11/18/18 - Home of Linda & Sandy Hornick
2:42 PM
Minutes submitted by Daryl Hornick-Becker

In Attendance
Phil Cantor
Dan Cantor
Sandy Hornick
Linda Hornick
Meredith Hornick
Larry Becker
Amy Hornick
Daryl Hornick-Becker
David Berman
Sara Berman
Stanley Gilman
Sheila Gilman
Mitchell Greene
Barbara Greene
Ron Jordan
Ken Wachtel

-Phil Cantor calls to order the fall meeting of the ICFS.
 -requests the minutes from the last meeting
 -Kenny did not take the minutes at the last meeting, not sure who did
 -there was no quorum at the last meeting
Financial Report
-Phil reports that there is $11,829.54 in the current bank account
 -$29,045.07 in the money market mutual fund
Motion: Phil moves that David Berman looks into the investment fund and report back to the treasurer on if the funds should be moved or invested differently
Second: Stanley
Ayes are unanimous

Hospitality Report
-Phil reports that Florence Hornick, our most senior member, passed at the end of May
 -In Remembrance of Florence, Linda Hornick yelled “EAT”
 -Ron said Florence loved everyone of us equally
 -A moment of silence was observed
-Ron reports that last November Wendy needed a bone marrow transplant, she had it on Dec 6th of last year
-After chemotherapy and a month in the hospital and 3 at home, she has is now totally cancer-free
-Barbara reports that Jaime Feld had her 3rd baby, Chloe Alexandra
-Sandy reports that Aaron Hornick had his second baby in February, Maya Isabelle
 -also that Jonathan Hornick got married in May
-Ron reports that Julie Cantor, daughter of Scott Cantor, is getting married today

Old Business
-Sandy reports on previous meeting at Citi Field, where the Mets beat the Yankees
 -26-28 people were in attendance
 -including Mark Wachtel, Greg Pomerantz
-The society extends its thanks to Sandy for organizing
-Ron asks how does the society improve its membership?
-The floor is open for discussion 

New Business
Ron: ICFS structures may need to change to fit modern times
-phone conferences, skype meetings, all work well in business
-we have members all over the globe, this could help include them
-helps keep the society open and flexible to retain and attract new members
Mitch: our growth is miniscule, we need changes
-maybe only 1 business meeting and 1 social event a year
Phil: the baseball game was an attempt and it was very hard to get more people to come
 -these meetings are always the same people
 -social events are very expensive
 -$2,000 was spent on 26 people for the Mets game
 -cost was $135 a person and ICFS subsidized $85 of the cost
 -social events are easier said than done
Mitch: but who is going to be here in 10 years?
 -we have no 5 year plan, no 1 year plan
Phil: needs someone to take over due collection
 -Ron also needs someone to take over cemetery duties
Sandy: this still doesn’t solve our existential issues
Amy: My kids don’t come to the meetings because of certain rules
Sandy: Issue is the non-jewish members rule
Ron: but they can be members
Sandy: but they can’t vote
Danny: is there a reason to think the younger generation doesn’t have an investment? Is there a  reason to disband?
Phil: But it's more complicated than that because we have money and own real estate
 -for example, in order to give NJ permission to open grave sites, written permission has  to come from society
 -it should be noted that the 2 other members of the cemetery committee are Sandy and  David
Kenny: the $2000 we spent on last meeting isn’t that bad
 -call us up if the officers need any help
Barbara: Still doesn’t solve issue of getting young people to come
Ron: going back to cemetery duties, my direct family is not buried in ICFS plots
 -my other family society, the Jordans, interacts mostly online
 -except when someone dies and we have to sign written permission
 -there isn’t the sense of camaraderie in my other family
 -its my job, as the cemetery chair, to take some of the stress out of the funeral process
 -the point is, everyone should express to their individual families their concerns
Mitch: what if we sent out a questionnaire asking what changes will make you come to   meetings?
Danny: I think the baseball game worked, maybe we just go with social events
 -our annual thing could be a social event every year
Larry: likes social idea, and then maybe a conference call for business items
Phil: ok so maybe a social event, but who organizes?
Larry: we could do a trip to Belmont racetrack, I’m willing to plan it
Kenny: conference calls and internet meetings only take you so far
 -its no replacement for being together
David: if we keep doing a big event every five years, people outside NY will come
Barbara: could we try a skype meeting?
Danny: maybe a skype call 2 months before the spring outing at Belmont
Mitch: maybe more email blasts more often to keep people informed
Larry: that can be our goal for June (the racetrack outing)
Danny: or maybe another baseball game
 -by the way 20% of our members are in this room
 -our focus should be on young people not out of town members
Ron: our social events in past have been good
 -our eye should be on the five-year event
 -those work for improving participation
Phil: whatever we do at Belmont needs to include kosher food
Larry: outside belmont you can picnic and bring your own food
Phil: Kosher food won’t determine whether we have an event
 -we still need to settle issue of financial dues, secretary, cemetery duties, and website
 -to collect dues we have to send invoices, some people don’t use internet
Ron: nobody wants the cemetery job, but I can teach it
 -you have to be ready to get a call from a grieving member
 -then verify they’re a member, negotiate dues if they owe
 -get in touch with funeral director and cemetery
 -send a fax for permission to open gravesite
 -maintain maps of gravesites
Phil: we also need a family member willing to work on the website
 -we have nothing to spend on that

Action Items
Ron will bring Sandy up to speed on cemetery duties
Larry is going to organize a Spring/Summer outing at Belmont racetrack
Mitch will talk to Josh about working on the website

Phil: Anymore issues on existence?
Larry: We need to give people a little feel of what the society is and what its for
Ron: when you are in your 20s it's your job to go to social events
 -its only after your 30s and starting a family that you begin to take on duties
 -everyone needs to talk to their younger members about taking initiative
 -especially those in 30s or 40s

Motion: Danny moves to adjourn meeting
Second: Larry
Ayes are unanimous

Meeting is adjourned at 4:09 PM