Israel Cantor
Family Society |
Minutes of Meeting October
21, 2001 Opened: 3:15
pm at the home of Dan and Laura Cantor, 728A Carroll St., Park Slope, Brooklyn,
NY Minutes of previous meeting read and accepted. Announcements Ron Jordan read letter from Lynn Newman, daughter of
Norma Goldsmith, Willy Cantor’s daughter -Milestone: Hope Lieb & Mark Friedlander Married Financial Secretary’s Report Treasurer’s Report Hospitaler’s Report 90th Reunion - Barbara Green Cemetery Report Old Business New Business -Dates set for next year’s meetings: 4/21/02, 10/20/02 -Recognition to Dan & Laura for hosting a very nice
meeting in their home. -Discussion: sending
questionnaires to get info for family tree.
Noted that Janet Fisher had no idea of the society’s existence. Meeting adjourned 5:06 pm. Respectfully submitted, Kenneth Wachtell Recording Secretary |
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