Where We Going? Spring 2020 Meeting 5/31

Dear Cantor Family member, 

Yes, it is me, Larry, again. Perhaps you didn’t make it to the spring event at Belmont Park last June? Had other plans?  Didn’t care for horse racing ?  Live too far from Belmont Park?  Whatever the reason, we understand. But, you missed a splendid time and we want to make sure you don’t miss out again.  We have started planning our next event for May 2020.

Now, we could return to Belmont once again.  But the Cantor tradition demands we spend time debating what to do and where to do it… That’s what we do. So here’s the thing: 

  1. We could return to  the Belmont park picnic area where we could watch the horses run, drink (us, not the horses), bet, kibbitz, cook out and eat.
  2. We could have an old fashioned Cantor family picnic at South Mountain Reservation in West Orange, New Jersey. We can play softball, visit the park zoo, bbq, drink, kibbitz, and eat.
  3. Or, we could go bowling in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, wear different shoes, drink, kibbitz and eat. (I assume you noticed a common theme here). 

But we want YOU to have a say in what we do.  
The date is Sunday, May 31, 2020.  Let us hear from you.  
respond and tell us if you would prefer to:

  1. SPARE no expense and go bowling (get it? SPARE no expense?) 
  2. Stay on the RESERVATION and have a get together at South Mountain (get it? SOUTH MOUNTAIN RESERVATION?)
  3. Or, we can WIN at the PLACE we SHOWED up at last year, beautiful Belmont Park (get it? WIN PLACE AND SHOW are racing terms… Oh never mind). 

Let us know.  Save the date, Sunday, May 31, 2020. Tell us where you would like to spend that day with us. Will it be the track, the reservation or bowling?  We need everyone to chime in. But remember, wherever most of us decide to spend the day, it will be a great day ’cause we will be together once again, griping, kibitzing, complaining and eating.

And of course you haven’t heard the last from me.

Cantor Strong,
Larry Becker (Amy Hornick’s husband)