
Minutes from the 10/25/20 Meeting

Thanks everyone for coming to the meeting ready to have a lively debate! These are the minutes from last fall’s meeting, which we just corrected and approved at the most recent one.


ICFS Meeting Minutes: 11/18/2018

ICFS Fall Meeting
11/18/18 - Home of Linda & Sandy Hornick
2:42 PM
Minutes submitted by Daryl Hornick-Becker

In Attendance
Phil Cantor
Dan Cantor
Sandy Hornick
Linda Hornick
Meredith Hornick
Larry Becker
Amy Hornick
Daryl Hornick-Becker
David Berman
Sara Berman
Stanley Gilman
Sheila Gilman
Mitchell Greene
Barbara Greene
Ron Jordan
Ken Wachtel

-Phil Cantor calls to order the fall meeting of the ICFS.
 -requests the minutes from the last meeting
 -Kenny did not take the minutes at the last meeting, not sure who did
 -there was no quorum at the last meeting
Financial Report
-Phil reports that there is $11,829.54 in the current bank account
 -$29,045.07 in the money market mutual fund
Motion: Phil moves that David Berman looks into the investment fund and report back to the treasurer on if the funds should be moved or invested differently
Second: Stanley
Ayes are unanimous

Hospitality Report
-Phil reports that Florence Hornick, our most senior member, passed at the end of May
 -In Remembrance of Florence, Linda Hornick yelled “EAT”
 -Ron said Florence loved everyone of us equally
 -A moment of silence was observed
-Ron reports that last November Wendy needed a bone marrow transplant, she had it on Dec 6th of last year
-After chemotherapy and a month in the hospital and 3 at home, she has is now totally cancer-free
-Barbara reports that Jaime Feld had her 3rd baby, Chloe Alexandra
-Sandy reports that Aaron Hornick had his second baby in February, Maya Isabelle
 -also that Jonathan Hornick got married in May
-Ron reports that Julie Cantor, daughter of Scott Cantor, is getting married today

Old Business
-Sandy reports on previous meeting at Citi Field, where the Mets beat the Yankees
 -26-28 people were in attendance
 -including Mark Wachtel, Greg Pomerantz
-The society extends its thanks to Sandy for organizing
-Ron asks how does the society improve its membership?
-The floor is open for discussion 

New Business
Ron: ICFS structures may need to change to fit modern times
-phone conferences, skype meetings, all work well in business
-we have members all over the globe, this could help include them
-helps keep the society open and flexible to retain and attract new members
Mitch: our growth is miniscule, we need changes
-maybe only 1 business meeting and 1 social event a year
Phil: the baseball game was an attempt and it was very hard to get more people to come
 -these meetings are always the same people
 -social events are very expensive
 -$2,000 was spent on 26 people for the Mets game
 -cost was $135 a person and ICFS subsidized $85 of the cost
 -social events are easier said than done
Mitch: but who is going to be here in 10 years?
 -we have no 5 year plan, no 1 year plan
Phil: needs someone to take over due collection
 -Ron also needs someone to take over cemetery duties
Sandy: this still doesn’t solve our existential issues
Amy: My kids don’t come to the meetings because of certain rules
Sandy: Issue is the non-jewish members rule
Ron: but they can be members
Sandy: but they can’t vote
Danny: is there a reason to think the younger generation doesn’t have an investment? Is there a  reason to disband?
Phil: But it's more complicated than that because we have money and own real estate
 -for example, in order to give NJ permission to open grave sites, written permission has  to come from society
 -it should be noted that the 2 other members of the cemetery committee are Sandy and  David
Kenny: the $2000 we spent on last meeting isn’t that bad
 -call us up if the officers need any help
Barbara: Still doesn’t solve issue of getting young people to come
Ron: going back to cemetery duties, my direct family is not buried in ICFS plots
 -my other family society, the Jordans, interacts mostly online
 -except when someone dies and we have to sign written permission
 -there isn’t the sense of camaraderie in my other family
 -its my job, as the cemetery chair, to take some of the stress out of the funeral process
 -the point is, everyone should express to their individual families their concerns
Mitch: what if we sent out a questionnaire asking what changes will make you come to   meetings?
Danny: I think the baseball game worked, maybe we just go with social events
 -our annual thing could be a social event every year
Larry: likes social idea, and then maybe a conference call for business items
Phil: ok so maybe a social event, but who organizes?
Larry: we could do a trip to Belmont racetrack, I’m willing to plan it
Kenny: conference calls and internet meetings only take you so far
 -its no replacement for being together
David: if we keep doing a big event every five years, people outside NY will come
Barbara: could we try a skype meeting?
Danny: maybe a skype call 2 months before the spring outing at Belmont
Mitch: maybe more email blasts more often to keep people informed
Larry: that can be our goal for June (the racetrack outing)
Danny: or maybe another baseball game
 -by the way 20% of our members are in this room
 -our focus should be on young people not out of town members
Ron: our social events in past have been good
 -our eye should be on the five-year event
 -those work for improving participation
Phil: whatever we do at Belmont needs to include kosher food
Larry: outside belmont you can picnic and bring your own food
Phil: Kosher food won’t determine whether we have an event
 -we still need to settle issue of financial dues, secretary, cemetery duties, and website
 -to collect dues we have to send invoices, some people don’t use internet
Ron: nobody wants the cemetery job, but I can teach it
 -you have to be ready to get a call from a grieving member
 -then verify they’re a member, negotiate dues if they owe
 -get in touch with funeral director and cemetery
 -send a fax for permission to open gravesite
 -maintain maps of gravesites
Phil: we also need a family member willing to work on the website
 -we have nothing to spend on that

Action Items
Ron will bring Sandy up to speed on cemetery duties
Larry is going to organize a Spring/Summer outing at Belmont racetrack
Mitch will talk to Josh about working on the website

Phil: Anymore issues on existence?
Larry: We need to give people a little feel of what the society is and what its for
Ron: when you are in your 20s it's your job to go to social events
 -its only after your 30s and starting a family that you begin to take on duties
 -everyone needs to talk to their younger members about taking initiative
 -especially those in 30s or 40s

Motion: Danny moves to adjourn meeting
Second: Larry
Ayes are unanimous

Meeting is adjourned at 4:09 PM

ICFS Meeting Minutes: 6/5/2016

June 5th, 2016
Meeting called at 2:18pm 
18 people present:

Barbara Greene
Mitchell Greene
Scott Cantor
Wilma Epstein
Arthur Epstein
Phil Cantor
Ethan Cantor
Ron Jordan
Sara Berman
Sandy Hornick
David Berman
Josh Berman
Scott Berman
Robyn Berman
Ari Berman
Allysa Berman
Ken Wachtell

Reading of minutes by Scott Cantor

Sarah Berman reports her heart feels great after having issues.

Minutes accepted as corrected

Financial Report
Account Balance: $10,724.14
Investment Account: $26,261.23

Scott acknowledges Phil’s hardwork of collecting the dues.

Hospitaler report (via email by Marc Hornick. Read by Phil Cantor):

Arthur Epstein was in the hospital for 4 months but is all clear now.

Florence Hornick broke her knee and then had a minor stroke in the hospital. Slight speech issues but otherwise alright. She’s home now and has an aid working for her.

Dennis & Mary Lou Gladstone have sold their house and moved to Boca Raton.

Jaime Feld (Mitchell & Barbara’s daughter) is pregnant – due in September.

Aaron Hornick & girlfriend are pregnant – due in Septembet. They have plans to get married.

Tess Liebersohn just finished hiking 902 miles on Appalachian trail—North Carolina to New Jersey. She wore thru 3 pairs of boots.

Barbar Greene is leaving for Ecuador for 2nd annual trip Doctors without Borders on June 21st.

Discussed the trip to the Jewish Heritage Museum on September 18th. Tour at 1pm, Lunch at 4 pm

Caterer— Village Crown. Either Meat or Dairy.
Roughly $10-20 per person
30 person minimum.

Private tour is $450.

Show of hands to determine interest—about 14 people raised hands

Passes by popular acclimation.

NJ Cemetary—Side entry way is falling apart. It would cost $1000 to fix. Maybe close that entrance all together because it is hardly used?

Open discussion on: What is the role of the society in the future?

Mitchell- Make it 2 social eventa  year and have a meeting there?

Phil—running the cemetery?

Ron will look into the state rules on long term maintenance of cemetery plots.

Motion to establish a “future” committee to formulate procedures for cemetery use & maintenance organization of the ICFS meetings, social events.

Legal rules governing cemeteries in NY & NJ.

Ron to makes cemetery procedure manual.

Futures Committee:
Scott Berman
Robyn Bernan
David Berman
Julie Cantor (lawyer)
Ron Jordan
Sandy Hornick.

After the meeting: Ethan said maybe the solution is creating a fund to for more casual social events like karaoke or pick up basketball to get young people meeting each other. 

ICFS Meeting Minutes: 11/8/2015

Israel Cantor Family Society
Nov. 8, 2015

Meeting Called to order 2:40 pm at Ben's Deli

Minutes of previous meeting could not be located.
Quorum-Uncertain as to requirement

Treasurers Report:
Phil Cantor: $8797.67 in checking account
Scott Cantor: $26638.61 in brokerage account-consisting of cash and MMF. He will explore investment options for approximately $20000.00 in cash in order to increase our returns. The available opportunities will be discussed with Ron Jordan.

Hospitaler Report:
Sarah Berman had surgery for an abscess on her heart.

Good News:
Wendy Hoffman passed her series seven test and can now trade stocks/bonds if she chooses.
Barbara Greene has just returned from a successful trip to Ecuador where she worked with
Doctors Without Borders to help over 300 people improve their dental health.
Kenny Wachtel and Denny Gladstone have made a long term loan to the Tenement Museum of their paternal grandmothers spice canister set.

Death notification responsibilities (Telephone Chain):
 Sandy Hornick-Gilmans/Bermans-Plockars
 Denny Gladstone-Wachtel-Scott Cantor (Sonny)
 Phil Cantor-Greens-Scott Cantor (Irwin)-Cantors-??+Phil Cantor (L.A.)-Arthur Epstein

Cemetery Report:
Ron Jordan will check access points at both cemeteries.

Old Business:
Next meeting
Ellis lsland
Holocaust Museum
Jewish Museum
A committee consisting of Scott Cantor, Barbara Greene and Sandy Hornick will decide the next location, date (6/5 or 9/5) and also if an additional business meeting is necessary. Costs and convenience will be taken into consideration. 
In addition to the above two dates an 11/13/16 meeting will be held at Ben's unless another suitable location is found by Mark Hornick

Moment of Silence:
A moment of silence was held in memory of Geoffrey Gladstone (Son of Denny & Marylou and brother of Susan) who recently passed away after a long illness.

Meeting ended at 3:53 pm

In attendance:
Stan & Sheila Gilman, Mitchell & Barbara Greene, Scott Cantor, Ken Wachtel, Ron Jordan, Phil Cantor, Dan Cantor and Mark, Aaron, Linda & Sandy and Florence Hornick

ICFS Meeting Minutes: 5/3/15

ICFS Meeting

2:25 PM 5/3/15

Checking account as of 3/31
8739.80 0% interest

Investment account
$16,000 bond 4%
Mutual fund $1763.23
$6,000 mutual fund (6068.83)
$26,580 total as of 3/31

Oldest member present—Arthur Epstein, 89
Youngest—Leon, 5 months

Motion by Scott to take 3,000 from checking account and reinvest it in Wells Fargo account or other vehicle

Previous minutes (first to be received electronically)
Meeting of October 26th
Repair mentioned has been made
Correction to minutes
Names are Ben Bilas and Bob Jordan
Minutes accepted

Members: nothing heard from Daniel Forster
Aaron Kanafa has been removed, his family was not paying dues

Cemetery report:
Ron will check out Beth Israel concrete situation, has not acted due to father’s burial

K. Wachtel will be planting Memorial Day flags at cemetery, 4 PM 5/26

Ron will contact Mt. Judah about replacing Steven Cantor’s grandfather’s headstone

In attendance:
Barbara and Mitchell Greene
Wilma and Arthur Epstein
Steve and Dottie Cantor
Phil Cantor (NJ)
Max Liebersohn
Sandy and Linda Hornick
Ron Jordan
Scott Cantor
Ken Wachtel
Jamie Greenefeld

New business
Hospitality: Sandy says Florence Hornick is recovering from heart surgery, had a valve replaced
World-famous skier Linda Hornick is recovering from an arm broken skiing

New business
Proposal of trip to Ellis Island
Ken says that one-day things should not be for half-decade anniversaries
Ron proposes Ellis Island trip in 2016, May, June

Scott brings up idea of Jewish Museum, Holocaust Museum

Ron also mentions Battery Park picnic idea
Ellis Island has name of ICFS on wall

30 people, Scott proposes each person pay $20, society will pick up rest, everyone bring their own lunch

Date: June 5th, a day that will live in infamy (Ron’s first wedding anniversary), 2016

Scott will check it out online, get back to Phil

Barbara is leaving for Ecuador for dental mission, August 4th-10th

Ken wants to donate $18 to the Jewish war veterans fund, withdraws motion

Scott has 11-month-old grandson, Henry Irwin Cantor
Evan’s son
Daughter has graduated from Columbia, Evan from Ben-Gurion med school

Phil says in his capacity as president of the Business Improvement District, Montclair has been recognized as having the best downtown

Date for next meeting: November 8th

Motion by Scott to adjourn, seconded by Mitchell

Meeting adjourned at 3:35


ICFS Meeting Minutes: 10/26/2014

ICFS minutes Sunday Oct 26, 2014

Attendees Ron Jordan, Jeri Bylus, Bob Bylus, Betsy Bylus,  Phil Cantor, Marc Hornick, Rosalyn Davidoff, Barbara Greene, Mitchell Greene, Dottie Cantor, Steve Cantor, Kenny Wachtell, Florence Hornick and caregiver, Sandy Hornick, Linda hornick, Aaron Hornick

Aaron Hornick was selected to chair the meeting.

Previous meetings minutes were unavailable.   .

Barbara Greene announced:
   …birth of grandaughter Molly Lloyd to Traci and avi Lloyd, Aug 22, 2014, 7 lb 15 oz.
   …Jaimi and Dovid Feld are expecting a baby in December.
Ron Jordan announced the passing of his father, Lou Jordan, on July 3, 2014,one 
     week before his 90th birthday.  The members observed a minute of silence .
Marc Hornick announced Florence Hornick’s continuing recovery from a broken hip,
     sustained in March, 2014.

Treasurer’s report was unavailable. It was estimated that the checking account has approximately $6000. 

Cemetery issues: addressed by Ron Jordan.
    Beth Israel Cemetery foresters requested (ICFS procure) a permit to engrave the stone 
        for George (Forster)
    Mt. Judah Cemetery stones are damaged:  William and Rose Cantor stone is either 
         down or leaning. This would primarily be the responsibility of his nearest 
         descendant. Steve Cantor appears to be nearest relative who is a member.
         Expected cost $300.   
    Ron informed members: 
       The cemetery is responsible for perpetual care but not for repairing stones.
       Also a paving stone or short concrete sidewalk in front of two pylons serving as a 
       side gate to the ICFS plot has been heaved up (possibly by frost or root growth).  
        Resetting or  removal of the sidewalk was discussed. A motion was made to 
        authorize ICFS cemetery representatives to discuss with cemetery the possibility of 
        resetting the stone and possibly authorize the representatives to have the work done 
        for up to $1000.
        Objections were made by 2 members to authorizing such a cost, and Sandy Hornick
        questioned whether the paving stone / concrete was necessary at all since the gate     
        leads only to unpaved grassy area. He suggested we might just have the stone /  
        concrete removed.  Ken Wachtell volunteered to find out what cemetery would do to 
        correct the situation and what it can do for up to $1000.  
        By a vote of 9 -2 it was approved to investigate the cost of the cemetery fixing the 
        problem – up to $1000. Upon investigation, Ken Wachtell or ICFS cemetery 
        representatives will report findings to ICFS.

 New business.
     New members, Ben and Betsy Bylus of New Canaan and Jeri Bylus of Manhattan?
     were admitted as social members. Discussion accompanying the admission   
     determined that Ben Bylus is the grandson of Benjamin Cantor, who was a son of 
     Israel Cantor. And who owned a candy shop. Siblings of Benjamin Cantor were
     identified as Sol, Moe and Molly.
     Recent new member Steven Cantor, who joined ICFS at 100th anniversary meeting in
     June, 2014, identified himself as son of Arthur, who was the son of William Cantor.

Members discussed a date and venue for the next meeting.  Date: May 3, 2015. 
    ICFS will try to arrange the meeting to be on Ellis Island. Ben Bylus volunteered 
    to inquire about facilities to hold meeting on Ellis Island. Members asked that 
    bathroom and meeting room facilities availibility be ascertained, that a caterer should 
    be inquired about for provision of food for $25 - $30 per person, for  20 – 50 people. 
    Alternate date for next meeting would be May 17.
 Ken Wachtell reported that he has been placing 11 American flags on the cemetery 
    at the graves of ICFS war veterans.  Ken proposed that the society contribute $18 to
    Jewish War Veterans, as this type of charitable contribution was very commonly done 
    by ICFS.  Phil Cantor objected that the administrative duties of such a contribution 
    would devolve to him.  No vote was taken on tis proposal.

 Mitchell Greene suggested that we have a mid summer gathering for some social
     activity such as volley ball.  No vote was taken on this proposal.

 Marc Hornick suggested that we try to plan the October, 2015 meeting as an apple 
     picking outing – as Sandy, Linda and Aaron Hornick reported this being a   
     pleasant tradition of theirs.  Sandy Hornick will look into a place for this to occur.
     Lyman Orchards in Middlefield, Ct. and probable facility Harvest Moon Orchard   
     on Hardscrabble Road in Westchester were suggested for this purpose.

 Meeting was adjourned.